Our Wonderful Story
Oh to be young
Oh to be in love
Those childish years
With those tears
I watch the window
As the love of my life drove away
Goodbye sweet Mark
I will never love again
For your move, truly broke my heart
My best friend said to me
You will love again, just you wait and see,
I believed her every word
And one day she showed me too
The fair
The handsome
Needs to cut his hair
Let’s just call him J
I swear, I swear
My heart flew out of my chest
The day he sat next to my desk
My friend would talk to him
As I stare
The air went thin when he was near
One day he asked me out
For a walk
But that meant everything
He held my hand
And I felt like I was in the air
He said he had a great time
Pulled me in for a kiss
And ever since then
98 years later
That has been our wonderful story
In a World of Worlds
Center of my world
In a vast wave of souls
In a group of people taking over each other
In front of a crowd
In search of a song
Hard to find the words
The look on your face tells me everything is going to be okay
This won’t rhyme or make much sense
But all I need to say is
In a middle of a storm
You are my port
Lost at sea all can see is you
I know what you’re saying enough with the sea I see
Okay I will keep going
In a room full of people I search for only you
You keep calm and steady when I feel like going under
I know it doesn’t look like it
But I am truly grateful
I know by now you are probably bored
And wonder why I keep going on and on
As said before this hard
Can’t find the words
More so get them out
So I’ll say it real loud
I love you so much
And nothing will change that
From now and forevermore
As strong as it was I see it’s coming to end
One more final hug
One more fight
That was all we could take
And that was only the first night
A new guy came in don’t ask me from where
He doesn’t talk much
But he sure does stare
Sometimes I wonder
Why he is here
Is there some reason
Why he is always near
I think about talking
But then I get scared
Runaway and hide
And bury my tears
He came to me and asked
Why I cry
I tell him I’m sad and alone
He looks at me says
With those bright eyes
And those white teeth
You have looks that could kill
You’ve stolen my heart
I am yours
I say you don’t
I say you tell lies
He picks up
And kisses me and says
Was that a lie