Over the past couple of weeks, we asked various teachers for their opinions on popular internet debates.
Here’s how they responded:
Is it pronounced gif or jif?
Ms. Martinez-Mack: You pronounce it like “gif.” (She used a hard “g.”)
Is cereal a soup?
Ms. Vicente: This is a question of the stasis of definition; It depends on how you define soup. I would define soup as any edible, primarily liquid substance with at least one component that was (at least at one point) solid, and the concoction should have been heated at one point but does not need to be served hot. So no, cereal is not a soup.
Pepsi or Coke?
Ms Hollingsworth: Definitely Coke, but I actually like Dr. Pepper
Should pineapple on pizza be allowed?
Madame Burg: Yes, it should be allowed! I love pineapple and I will eat it in any way I find it.

Are hot dogs a sandwich?
Ms. Dwyer: Yes, because there are two pieces of bread.
Middle or edge brownie piece?
Ms. Martinez-Zavala: I prefer the edge piece.
Ms. Hollingsworth: When I was younger, it was the edge piece but now that I’m older, it’s the middle piece.
Ms. Dywer: The middle piece.

Does a straw have one hole or two?
Mr. Lee: A straw has one hole.

Should school buses have seatbelts?
Ms. Kachnowski: Absolutely! It’s for safety. It might be annoying but it saves lives.

Do you pour the cereal or milk first?
Ms. Martinez-Zavala: I personally pour the milk first, then cereal.

Crazy work