Photo Credit: Rhys M.
How old are you?
56. Old enough to be stubborn.
Why did you become an educator?
I just couldn’t imagine doing anything else.
Where did you go to college/university?
Towson University; I graduated in May of 1981.
How long have you been at JW?
8 years.
Any birthday wisdom you might want to share?
Never be afraid of taking risks and trying new things.
How did you celebrate your birthday?
Ms. Choi made most of Band 1 sing “Happy Birthday” to me, then the students started counting. “Are you one? Are you two? Are you three?” and on and on, counting up by one each time. I was thinking, “Are you zero? Are you 10? Are you 20? Can this go any faster?” I appreciated them celebrating me, but I did have a class to teach.
Band or Orchestra?
That’s like asking parents for their favorite child. They would just say, “They’re all different and unique.” How about a simple “Yes to music?” We musicians are kinda like a square peg in a round hole of society. Most don’t understand how much it means to be in an ensemble. It’s because of this that we need to back each other up. All for one and one for all! Besides, the personalities of band and orchestra are very different, but they equally drive me crazy, so I like them both.
Is cereal a soup?
Cereal with milk is a soup. It’s not a sandwich or salad.
Pineapple on pizza?
Yeah. I love a good Hawaiian pizza.
What was your first impression of JW?
So, I taught elementary school for a long time. It had been 21 years since I had taught a middle school class. I felt like it would be really hard to do a good job in this middle school. I had done it before, but it just felt different. It wasn’t anything about the teachers or students, it was just something I felt about me.
Middle or Elementary school?
Definitely middle school. Love middle school.
Anything else you want to share?
Find something you love, then go practice it. Also, for my music classes:
I’m sorry for being a mean director.
I will do my best to be nicer.
Number one and two are lies.
Go practice.